Mon 27 Jan
Come relax with me located in Bowling Green Body Rub for ladies & men - 44
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky)
"Dynamic Duo" Forget the rest, we're the best! Come see Brooke and Eternity for an amazimg time! - 26
Erotic Body Rubs for Ladies & men - 44
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky)
Stress Relief KY WILD Cat Massage..Go Cats - 50
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, South Lexington, Western Kentucky)
Here's all the Dirty Details on Every Hot Provider at every Erotic Massage Parlor in Your Town.
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky)
☆ EMPIRE RELAXATION ▣ ☆ Breeze Away Your Stress Away ▣ Best Relaxation & Staff (502) 962 - 0882 - 24
(5812 PRESTON HWY LOUISE VILLE 40219, Lexington)
Amazing, quality massage & rubs that will leave you speechless. Mon. June 23, 3pm-11pm 859-490-4987 - 46
Victoria's Massage Therapy. $30 Off On Hour Massage. Spanish & American Staff. - 25
(Columbia, 3827 Broad River Road Suite M)
American Spa $40 Special 803-731-5154 Sasha, Chloe, & Zoey - 21
(652-c Bush River Rd.Columbia,S.C29210, Columbia)
Hot& SeXy All American Red Headed Playmate Call Brittany- Available all day&night.; Well reviewed - 24
(Columbia, Columbia/St.Andrews 8032975692 in or out)
Body Rubs from the best! Say Yes and Call Now!! Specials available 🙌803-477-4617 - 26
(Columbia, Lexington)
❇♥ Experience Fireworks BEFORE the Fireworks.. Today and Tomorrow!!! * Prostate Friendly * ♥❇ - 52
(Phoenix, queen creek/ san tan valley)
***Beyond What You Ever Expected!!***RAINY WEEK SPECIALS***Start Your Week in a Relaxed Way!!!*** - 57
(Myrtle Beach)
Tue 21 Jan
Victoria's Massage Therapy. $30 Off On Massage From American Brunette Beauty!!! - 25
(Columbia, 3827 Broad River Road Suite M)
Victoria's Massage Therapy. 30 Off With A Massage From Jacqueline!!!!! - 25
(Columbia, 3827 Broad River Road Suite M)
♥ ♥ Ms. Thickness ♥ ♥ here to help you relax..$50 all day spec - 27
(Columbia, columbia (parklane rd))
Relaxing Body Rub Companionship Escort Prostate massage - 51
(Cincinnati, Fairfield tricounty springdale)
Mallory has got the skills and rates u cant afford to pass up. AWESOME SPECIALS - 25
(Cincinnati, florence ky)
KiCk AsS GiRlFrIeNd ExPeRiEnCe!! Im 21 n FuN! ToTal Satisfaction! - 21
(Cincinnati Northern Kentucky)
*** Late Night Specials •**• Open Availability •**• Sexy Independent Woman Here to Satisfy You.! *** - 23
(Cincinnati, Northern Kentucky)
Freak are lots of fun..come play with one! White Men Only Please - 32
(Cincinnati, Cincinnati,west side)
⬛🌅⬛🌅🌅⬛ A+ ACU ⬛🌅⬛🌅🌅⬛⬛★YOUNG ⬛🌅⬛🌅🌅⬛⬛⬛★PRETTY ⬛🌅⬛🌅🌅⬛⬛★ NEW 👄 MANAGEMENT ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛★FANTAST - 27
(8459 E US Route 42, Florence KY 41042, Cincinnati)
:- **"** -:+:- 100% Real Deal! Dont Mess With The Rest When U Can Have The Best -:+:- **"** -:
Victoria's Massage Therapy! The BEST in town! WE USE REAL PICS! - 99
(3827 broad river road SUITE M SUITE M, Florence)
stressed? Has it been a rough day? Are you ready for some relaxation with a soft touch?? - 35
(Columbia, columbia ~sneak away with me)
Sun 12 Jan
Come relax with me located in Bowling Green - 40
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky)
Sat 11 Jan
Take a Look and See, Just How Good Could It Be, When You Call Me! - 30
(Private House Minutes from I-17)
Quality Time - The First Time -&- Every Time -&- The Right Time Is Right Now - 40
Maybe a Little Distance ⇓⇑ Between⇑ ⇓Us - Will Help Me Get Closer To You - 30
(EZ- I-17 ⇰ Private Home)
Fri 10 Jan
❇♥ The Art of Intimate Touch... Come Stressed... Leave SMILING. ♥❇ * Prostate Friendly * - 52
(Phoenix, queen creek/ san tan valley)
Independence Kentucky - Asian Bodyworks Massage - Take Turkeyfoot to Richardson Road - 33
(4217 Richardson Rd Independence ky, Cincinnati)
Thu 09 Jan
❇♥ Come Stressed.. UNLOAD.. Leave SMILING! * Prostate Friendly *. (Independent Provider) ♥❇ - 52
(Phoenix, queen creek/ san tan valley)
Wed 08 Jan
S_E_N_S_U_A_L_ _E_R_O_T_I_C_ _F_U_L_L_ _B_O_D_Y_ R_U_B___ w/ SEXY MOLLY - 30
(Easy Loop-101 & SR-51 Access/ pvt house)
Tue 07 Jan
Take a LÖ◡ÖK and See, Just How Good It Could Be, When You Call Me!⇰ - 30
(⇰Easy I-17 Loop-101 & I-10 Access)
Anastasia is visiting from Louisville!! I'm waiting for you;) - 20
(Incalls and outcalls, Lexington)
Mon 06 Jan
Soothe and Heal your body w a quality massage/ enticing rubdown. Specials now thru Sunday 490-4987 - 45
REAL Playmate and Fitness Model! Upscale, Independent Highly Reviewed *read ad carefully* - 25